Monday, June 30, 2014
Prayer Alerts for July, 2014
A Prayer Alert from Anne Graham Lotz for July 1-7
See the website for details:
Heartland Apostolic Prayer Network
Reformation Prayer Network
International House of Prayer
and others
Also see for an additional prayer alert from Cindy Jacobs at
Generals International
Please participate as the Lord directs you and your family,church and ministry
for corporate prayer, fasting and repentance.
Monday, June 16, 2014
Hollywood Summons - October 1-5, 2014
Please be in prayer over this national gathering, as we pray for media and the Hollywood, California area.
This is a reminder to see the website for the details of the prayer gathering in Hollywood from October 1 -5, 2014.
All State Coordinators are encouraged to be in attendance.
I look forward to attending.
Thursday, May 8, 2014
Please complete a short survey regarding your event at:
Thank you.
Friday, May 2, 2014
Issachar - Knew the Times and Seasons
The information was sent to me on April 30, but I just now had time to read it.
This sheds more light on the significance of May 1, 2014.
May 1st, was a very significant day for many reasons. I love God's calendar
and timing. We entered the month of Iyar, represented by the Tribe of Issachar.
God IS PERFECT in all His ways! Tonight, at sundown begins the New Month,
the month of Iyar represented by the Tribe of Issachar! Expect New Revelation
to come to you, ask for it! Ask for and expect natural healing and to be like
the Tribe of Issachar, having understanding of the times and knowing what to
do! Rosh Chodesh and First Fruits times are times when heaven and earth
come close, the angels ascending and descending. Ask the Lord to send you
His holy host to assist you, to surround and protect you and yours. Ask for
and receive “the spirit of wisdom and of revelation knowledge in Christ Jesus.”
Eph.1:17 -18. .... God is good.... The first of each biblical month is a time to
feast and celebrate!
feast and celebrate!
At the Lansing Capitol NDP Observance, Pastor Ed Watts, Gateway Church,
Flint, prayed for Israel and gave us important revelation about Israel.
Pastor Kevin Berry, Mount Hope Church, Lansing, prayer focus topic was
healing and health. Coach Harlon Barnett from the Michigan State Football
staff, was there and released a powerful prayer. I thank Coach Dantonio
for bringing him in off the recruiting schedule to be with us.This is a
perfect picture of priorities. Darqueze Dennard the former MSU football
standout shared his testimony about how Christ and praying people have
impacted his life.
perfect picture of priorities. Darqueze Dennard the former MSU football
standout shared his testimony about how Christ and praying people have
impacted his life.
Revelation from Heaven was given to every speaker and then spoken.
It was an incredible display of One Voice United in Prayer.
Spoken for not just those in attendance but out into the spirit realm.
The Voice of the Lord was released. I am thankful for these courageous
leaders and all the worshipers and for every person working behind the
scenes to give God a platform to say what He wanted.
This time together was then followed by a time to feast and celebrate.
We followed the pattern for the month of Iyar.
We will continue to gather, nothing will damper our joy. The Lord
will then advance us forward in His strength. Feasting at His table for
each and every day. He renews our strength as eagles. Eagles flying in
formation, seeing what He sees and releasing His revelation to keep us
in His times and seasons. The Light of His Word and His Presence
blesses the land and the people. The culture is changed as we are
changed by beholding Him. Changed from glory to glory.
The Rochester area had a prayer breakfast that was sold out, with
Lt. Colonel Oliver North as their keynote speaker. There were significant
Christ centered prayer observances covering the entire state.
Please read the post from May 1 as well. God Bless you all!
blesses the land and the people. The culture is changed as we are
changed by beholding Him. Changed from glory to glory.
The Rochester area had a prayer breakfast that was sold out, with
Lt. Colonel Oliver North as their keynote speaker. There were significant
Christ centered prayer observances covering the entire state.
Please read the post from May 1 as well. God Bless you all!
Thursday, May 1, 2014
May 1, 2014 - One Voice United in Prayer
God bless you all for hosting a prayer event. The State of Michigan
was covered in prayer today. At the Capitol building, County
Court houses, City Halls, Township Halls, and many other public and
private venues, we came together with One Voice United In Prayer.
Great job!
In Lansing, we had a powerful time in the Lord. There were cool
temperatures and plenty of wind, and at times even a misting of rain,
but Jesus Christ did reign.
The most important thing is a platform for the Lord was prepared.
There was revelation from Heaven and God moved by His Spirit.
I just have to testify that yesterday as I came to a stop at a busy
intersection and the light turned green for me to make my left turn,
the Spirit of God said "no, don't turn yet", I knew without looking
that the danger was coming from the right. I paused for a few more
seconds and yes indeed, someone came flying through the red
light at 50 mph. I looked at my friend, in the passenger seat, and
we agreed, now that is the protection of God! Oh yes, He is
watching over us and is a Protector, a Mighty Shield at all times.
Now back to the Capitol event, the presence of God was evident.
Lt. Governor Brian Calley presented the Proclamation from
Governor Snyder to me, declaring May 1st as a day of prayer for
Michigan. Prophet Ed Watts spoke about the importance of our
government staying in covenant with Israel. Sr. Pastor Keven Berry,
about for healing and health. Gordon Pennington gave a perspective
and prayed over the media. Each cultural mountain was prayed
over in agreement. We prayed for all Senators and House members
that were present.
As Anna Maria Horn sang, "God of the City" at the closing. There
was a shift, God made me very aware of it and I was in awe and
the fear (reverence) of God was upon me. I said silently to Him
oh God whatever are you doing, I agree with it. Spiritually lightening
bolts into the earth always have great impact of blessing for the earth
and the people.
Now we will continue to keep watching over our cities with
the Lord Jesus Christ and welcome the visitation of God.
No matter what it may look like, we need and welcome His
visitation. Key relationships were strengthened. New bonds of
friendship were formed, all for the Glory of God and His plans
for our beautiful state people. We have an incredible number of
leaders in all cultural mountains that love Jesus Christ. Their
relationship with the Lord was very evident by their prayers and
testimonies today. They endured the outward cold, but the fire
inside them was on display for all to see.
Be greatly encouraged, this National Day of Prayer, has made an
eternal difference.
The results, the impact, will be known and reported all across
Michigan and the nation . The gates are open for awakening.
Watch and see, the Lord is good. His Word endures forever. All
of your labor in the Lord is not in vain. Rejoice and receive His
Forge ahead, go through those doors. This is the year of the
door. He is opening doors for us. Shake off any weariness and
forge ahead. He goes out ahead of us! The King is in the land.
We gathered together with ONE VOICE UNITED IN PRAYER
and I am thankful for each one of you. He goes out before us in
Kingdom victories. Shout for the Lord is among us. We are
thankful to the Lord for all that he did in the 100s of prayer
events across our State.
was covered in prayer today. At the Capitol building, County
Court houses, City Halls, Township Halls, and many other public and
private venues, we came together with One Voice United In Prayer.
Great job!
In Lansing, we had a powerful time in the Lord. There were cool
temperatures and plenty of wind, and at times even a misting of rain,
but Jesus Christ did reign.
The most important thing is a platform for the Lord was prepared.
There was revelation from Heaven and God moved by His Spirit.
I just have to testify that yesterday as I came to a stop at a busy
intersection and the light turned green for me to make my left turn,
the Spirit of God said "no, don't turn yet", I knew without looking
that the danger was coming from the right. I paused for a few more
seconds and yes indeed, someone came flying through the red
light at 50 mph. I looked at my friend, in the passenger seat, and
we agreed, now that is the protection of God! Oh yes, He is
watching over us and is a Protector, a Mighty Shield at all times.
Now back to the Capitol event, the presence of God was evident.
Lt. Governor Brian Calley presented the Proclamation from
Governor Snyder to me, declaring May 1st as a day of prayer for
Michigan. Prophet Ed Watts spoke about the importance of our
government staying in covenant with Israel. Sr. Pastor Keven Berry,
about for healing and health. Gordon Pennington gave a perspective
and prayed over the media. Each cultural mountain was prayed
over in agreement. We prayed for all Senators and House members
that were present.
As Anna Maria Horn sang, "God of the City" at the closing. There
was a shift, God made me very aware of it and I was in awe and
the fear (reverence) of God was upon me. I said silently to Him
oh God whatever are you doing, I agree with it. Spiritually lightening
bolts into the earth always have great impact of blessing for the earth
and the people.
Now we will continue to keep watching over our cities with
the Lord Jesus Christ and welcome the visitation of God.
No matter what it may look like, we need and welcome His
visitation. Key relationships were strengthened. New bonds of
friendship were formed, all for the Glory of God and His plans
for our beautiful state people. We have an incredible number of
leaders in all cultural mountains that love Jesus Christ. Their
relationship with the Lord was very evident by their prayers and
testimonies today. They endured the outward cold, but the fire
inside them was on display for all to see.
Be greatly encouraged, this National Day of Prayer, has made an
eternal difference.
The results, the impact, will be known and reported all across
Michigan and the nation . The gates are open for awakening.
Watch and see, the Lord is good. His Word endures forever. All
of your labor in the Lord is not in vain. Rejoice and receive His
Forge ahead, go through those doors. This is the year of the
door. He is opening doors for us. Shake off any weariness and
forge ahead. He goes out ahead of us! The King is in the land.
We gathered together with ONE VOICE UNITED IN PRAYER
and I am thankful for each one of you. He goes out before us in
Kingdom victories. Shout for the Lord is among us. We are
thankful to the Lord for all that he did in the 100s of prayer
events across our State.
Tuesday, April 29, 2014
I will write more later today.
But this I do want to say this now. Let God arise and His enemies be scattered.
There will be no rain on our outdoor prayer events scheduled for May 1.
Only the Reign of our Lord Jesus Christ. He rules over our Nation, and we
will not have destructive weather. We legislate. God's people will gather and
pray. We speak His Word over the weather. Shalom!
We take authority over the weather patterns and command them to shift in the
name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Pray Psalm 47. We arise and worship Him.
Thursday, April 24, 2014
The Latest News:
Please list your prayer event at,
go to the Events tab, and then click "Post an Event".
You may check "Michigan" and see what others have
posted to assist you in the wording of your event.
It appears we will have between 75-80 prayer events
statewide. There are prayer conference calls you
may join as well. Check the listing of events for the
The Michigan Prayer Guides are available in a pdf format
and you may print as many as you need for your prayer
Contact me at
This is an excellent resource for your attendees.
Friday, April 11, 2014
Hearing the Call to Pray
Watch the call to pray increase. The numbers continue to rise
His people are hearing the call to pray and watch over our nation.
Fifty-seven prayer events in Michigan now, and many
multiple prayer times in several communities. Plan prayer for
your region on May 1, and gather to worship the Lord Jesus
Christ and pray for our nation. Thank you and God bless you!
multiple prayer times in several communities. Plan prayer for
your region on May 1, and gather to worship the Lord Jesus
Christ and pray for our nation. Thank you and God bless you!
II Chronicles 7:12-15.
Then the Lord appeared to Solomon at night and said to him, I
have heard your prayer and have chosen this place for Myself,
as a house of sacrifice. If I shut up the heavens so that there is
no rain, or if I command the locust to devour the land, or if I
send pestilence among My people, and My people who are
called by My name humble themselves and pray and seek My
face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from
heaven, will forgive their sin, and will heal their land. Now
My eyes shall be open and My ears attentive to the prayer
offered in this place.
no rain, or if I command the locust to devour the land, or if I
send pestilence among My people, and My people who are
called by My name humble themselves and pray and seek My
face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from
heaven, will forgive their sin, and will heal their land. Now
My eyes shall be open and My ears attentive to the prayer
offered in this place.
Isaiah 60:1-5
Arise shine; for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord
has risen upon you. For behold, darkness will cover the earth,
and deep darkness the peoples; but the Lord will rise upon you,
and His glory will appear upon you.
and deep darkness the peoples; but the Lord will rise upon you,
and His glory will appear upon you.
And the nations will come to your light, and kings to the brightness of your rising. Lift up your eyes round about, and see; they all gather together, they come to you. Your sons will come form afar, and your daughters will be carried in the arms. Then you will see and be radiant; and your heart will thrill and rejoice; because the abundance of the sea will be turned to you, the wealth of the nations will come to you.
Isaiah 9:6-7
For a child will be born to us, a son will be given to us; and the government will be upon His shoulders; and His name will be called wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Eternal Father, Prince of
Peace. There will be no end to the increase of His government
or of peace, on the throne of David and over His Kingdom,
to establish it and to uphold it with justice and righteousness
from then on and forevermore. The zeal of the Lord of Hosts
will accomplish this.
to establish it and to uphold it with justice and righteousness
from then on and forevermore. The zeal of the Lord of Hosts
will accomplish this.
Global Call to Pray and Fast for USA
30 April - 1 May 2014
The team behind Australia’s National Day of Prayer and Fasting is calling the nations of the world to 48 hours of prayer and fasting for the USA. This period of prayer will take place from 30 April – 1 May 2014. April 30 is America’s National Day of Repentance (NDOR) www.dayofrepentance.orgwhile May 1st is the 63rd annual National Day of Prayer (NDP) celebrated throughout the USA.
Ps Matt Prater said, “April 30 is the 225th anniversary of George Washington’s inauguration as a devout Christian president and the 151st anniversary of Lincoln’s day of ‘humiliation, prayer and fasting’ held during the devastating times of the Civil War. The theme for theUSA National Day of Prayer on May 1st, 2014 ‘One Voice, United in Prayer’, is taken from Romans 15:6: ‘So that with one mind and one voice you may glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.’ The 2014 theme is all about the need for individuals, corporately and individually, to place their faith in the unfailing character of their Creator, who is sovereign over all governments, authorities, and men.”
Dr Graham McLennan from Australia said, “We in Australia believe it is our turn to bless the nation of America through prayer and fasting according to 2 Chronicles 7:14. We join together to pray that God will raise up united prayer as one voice for the USA. We in Australia are grateful for the protection that America gave Australia and the nations of the free world during World War II. The Battle of the Coral Sea led by the USA was the turning point in the Second World War for Australia.”
Warwick Marsh from Australia said, “Today we are calling the nations of the world to join in prayer and fasting with our brothers and sisters in Christ in the USA. Last year we had people from 28 nations join with us. This year we are believing for 100 nations to join us in prayer and fasting for the USA.”
David Rowsome from Australia said, “The Motto ‘In God We Trust’ is the foundation for America’s success. We thank God for Americaand pray for the healing of your land and the restoration of your foundations. We are asking God to answer our prayers for transformation in the USA and to inspire the nations of the world to join with us in prayer and fasting for America for 48 hours from April 30th to May 1st 2014.”
Monday, April 7, 2014
The National Day of Prayer is Thursday, May 1
Romans 15:6
So that with one mind and one voice you may glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Presently, forty-six, that is 46, prayer events have been planned, in our beautiful state of Michigan, on May 1st. There is an awakening to the need to gather together and pray for our nation.
2 Chronicles 7:14
IF My people, who are called by My Name humble themselves and pray, and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from Heaven, will forgive their sin and heal their land.
Look for a prayer event in your community, or plan one!
At, under "Events" and "Michigan" you can look at all the cities, large and small that have planned a morning, noon or evening prayer time.
The Lansing Capitol Building event will be held from 11 a.m.
to 1 p.m. Worship music begins at 11 a.m.
See you on the National Day of Prayer, May 1st.
Wednesday, April 2, 2014
Our nation is in great need of prayer. The annual National Day of Prayer is a time to be
fully intentional to protect and exercise our freedom to publicly pray.
We presently have 42 prayer events listed on the schedule for our State. There is an increasing response as May 1st draws closer, as though it is an awakening.
Pray about hosting a prayer time in your community.
Go to the website and check under the Events tab and see if there is one
scheduled near you. If there is not, is God calling you to plan a prayer event? There is still
time to organize a time to pray.
First, pray and ask the Lord. Then, look over the existing prayer events and the variety
listed will give you some creative ideas. Review the national website regarding the
resources available. We also have a Michigan Prayer Guide that has been prepared for
your use. Ask the Lord who should speak during the prayer event.
Need assistance? You may contact me and I will help get you started planning a prayer
time for your community.
fully intentional to protect and exercise our freedom to publicly pray.
We presently have 42 prayer events listed on the schedule for our State. There is an increasing response as May 1st draws closer, as though it is an awakening.
Pray about hosting a prayer time in your community.
Go to the website and check under the Events tab and see if there is one
scheduled near you. If there is not, is God calling you to plan a prayer event? There is still
time to organize a time to pray.
First, pray and ask the Lord. Then, look over the existing prayer events and the variety
listed will give you some creative ideas. Review the national website regarding the
resources available. We also have a Michigan Prayer Guide that has been prepared for
your use. Ask the Lord who should speak during the prayer event.
Need assistance? You may contact me and I will help get you started planning a prayer
time for your community.
Wednesday, March 12, 2014
I have received so many special comments about our Inaugural Prayer Breakfast,
here's a few:
"The best prayer meeting ever."
"It was wonderful."
"The Presence of God was so evident."
"Esther called a prayer meeting."
"The Lord said it was historic."
"I am so glad I came."
"It was a divine appointment."
"That was a powerful Word."
The Prayer Event:
The NDP-MI Prayer Breakfast at the Radisson in Lansing on March 10 was truly
historic. Never has there been a prayer breakfast in downtown Lansing, where the
Word of the Lord and prayer was the complete focus. Pastors and ministry leaders
from around the city were present and we had many from other areas of the State.
The Lord was pleased. His Presence was very evident which of course, made it so
very special.
More Prayer Events:
I now see, that on our Event list there are several prayer breakfasts scheduled for
May 1. For years, there have been large Prayer Breakfasts held in Traverse City and
in Rochester.
Listing Your Event:
If you have not entered your NDP - Michigan event on the website,
now is the time.
Enter the website and click on the Event tab, you can select Michigan and then all of the
prayer events scheduled for our State will be listed there.
It is a great way to keep us all informed about what you are planning for your community
and to increase participation and prayer.
Michigan Prayer Guide:
Be sure to place your order now for the Michigan Prayer Guide. Contact Sylvia
Tubergen at 616-842-6414 or to order.
They are $12.50 per 100 plus the postage.
Wednesday, January 29, 2014
A Michigan - National Day of Prayer Event
Prayer Breakfast
March 10, 2014, Monday
7:30 A.M. - 9:30 A.M.
>Economic Shift
>2014 - The Year of Doors
>Awakening and Visitation
>"An Appeal to Heaven"
>We must arise and contend for a great awakening and
make an Appeal to Heaven.
111 N. Grand
Lansing, MI 48895
Reception and Continental Breakfast
7:30 A.M. to 8:00 A.M.
Speakers & Prayer
8:00 A.M. to 9:30 A.M.
Table of 8 for $200
Individual Early Bird rate of $30 until Feb. 22
Individual Rate after 2/22 $35 until March 9
Mail to P.O. Box 131, Williamston, MI 48895
Payable to NDP - Michigan
Capitol Tour Included in Registration: 10:30 - 11:30 a.m.,
after the Prayer Breakfast
Join our Sponsors:
Church of Greater Lansing (COGL)
Barbara Yoder
Michigan Governmental Prayer Alliance
ph. 517.927.7240 to Register as a "Sponsors"
If you prefer electronic registration:
Registration Link:
Worship Leaders: Darren & AnnaMaria Horn
Pastor Sean Holland, Epicenter of Worship, Lansing
As Founder & Sr. Pastor of The Epicenter Of Worship in Lansing, Sean Holland
has received a mandate from God to “Preach a real word for real times, to
teach the truth about salvation, and to prepare God’s people for church and
community leadership.”
Pastor Ed Watts, Pastor of Gateway Church, Flint
Ed Watts is an ordained minister and serves as Senior Pastor of Gateway Church
and the Director of Gateway HOPE Center (House of Prayer & Equipping Center) in
Flint, Michigan. Ed’s ministry style is evangelistic and prophetic in nature. He has
been used by God to help the Body of Christ know the time, the season, and the
strategy of heaven for kingdom advancement.
Radisson Hotel Room Block:
Promotional Code: MNDP14, $118.95 good until March 6
direct line: 517-482-0188, or ph. 800-333-3333
Wednesday, January 22, 2014
Preparations for 2014
The National Day of Prayer is Thursday, May 1, 2014

All across the great State of Michigan, NDP volunteers are planning prayer events in their regions.
The Capitol Event Team held their first planning meeting for the year yesterday in downtown Lansing. Just prior to our meeting, many team members attended the pro-life rally held at the capitol steps.
Praying for the basic civil right of LIFE for the child growing in the womb, continues to be at the forefront of prayer. We are a massive influence in EVERY state. We are thankful that Michigan is a strong pro-life state and a leader in the nation. Through the years, our elected leadership has approved common sense legislation to protect LIFE.
On this day, January 22, 2014 we repent before God for the shedding of innocent blood all across our nation. This door of iniquity must be shut. We desire and pray for the "visitation" of God in our cities. This is the time to rebuild the desolate cities. He desires to bless us and send "visitation" to our cities. Isaiah 61
As we plan prayer events to honor the Lord Jesus Christ, we are boldly initiating plans that will advance His Kingdom and impact every cultural area.
Nationwide, the theme for this year is HOPE.
Our hope is in God alone.
Cathy Braun
State Coordinator
“One Voice, United in Prayer”
Romans 15:6 So that with one mind and one voice you may glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.
All across the great State of Michigan, NDP volunteers are planning prayer events in their regions.
The Capitol Event Team held their first planning meeting for the year yesterday in downtown Lansing. Just prior to our meeting, many team members attended the pro-life rally held at the capitol steps.
Praying for the basic civil right of LIFE for the child growing in the womb, continues to be at the forefront of prayer. We are a massive influence in EVERY state. We are thankful that Michigan is a strong pro-life state and a leader in the nation. Through the years, our elected leadership has approved common sense legislation to protect LIFE.
On this day, January 22, 2014 we repent before God for the shedding of innocent blood all across our nation. This door of iniquity must be shut. We desire and pray for the "visitation" of God in our cities. This is the time to rebuild the desolate cities. He desires to bless us and send "visitation" to our cities. Isaiah 61
As we plan prayer events to honor the Lord Jesus Christ, we are boldly initiating plans that will advance His Kingdom and impact every cultural area.
Nationwide, the theme for this year is HOPE.
Our hope is in God alone.
Cathy Braun
State Coordinator
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